Homecoming | Jacksonville Military Family Photography

I had the priviledge of photographing a special day in the life of a remarkable family. The P family welcomed home their “husband, father, and hero”. All the words I can think of right now to express my admiration and appreciation for all military families and this one in particular, fall short and have been said a million times. To put it simply, I am humbled and honored to realize the sacrifice that every member of a military family makes. I was thrilled to be invited to capture this happy event for them.

After months of counting down the days, those last few minutes seem to take an eternity.

It was a cool and windy day, but everyone had their special outfits on that they were not about to cover up with jackets. Here are some friends waiting for their daddies.

Every one is mingling, congratulating each on other on making it to this day, trying to be patient. Then all of a sudden, here’s the plane!

Not sure if you can see it on your screen, but I love the hand pressed up against the round window.

They get in formation when they de-plane and before their families can smother them with hugs and kisses.

And, finally…

I hope that I’m not out of line for mentioning this, but I have to tell you that while her husband was away and she was caring for their three gorgeous kids, this beautiful mama somehow managed to complete her doctorate. Incredible! I can barely keep up with email when my husband’s gone for more than a day or two.

Helping with Daddy’s bags, and ready to get out of there and have him to themselves. Can’t blame them.

Thanks again for letting me be a part of this day, Mrs. P(hD), ha ha!  I hope you love these as much as I loved capturing them for you.

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