Full Plate | Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Atlanta children and family photogpraphy


I am honored to be invited into the homes and lives of amazing families through my job. The H family has so much going on, but it is clear that family is their priority. They have three boys. One in utero, one with special needs, and one with a brand new puppy. As if that wouldn’t be enough to keep you busy, they are in the midst of a MAJOR home renovation. So major that when I arrived I wasn’t sure where the front door was!








You know what’s important to them when the first things to be done at their house are the playroom, pool and outdoor play area. They even have their own ball pit!


Unfortunately, our shoot got cut short by a health scare that was both terrifying yet normal to them. Full plate, I told you. I can’t even imagine. Still, in the short time I got to spend with them, it was clear that this family is full of love and optimism despite their challenges.

K and M, good luck with the weeks ahead. I hope to get to pick up where we left off, next time with the new baby in the new house!

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