To my kids, in the future. | newborn, children and family photography | jacksonville, atlanta, fort lauderdale

Obviously, I believe in the importance of capturing moments, recording memories, and preserving them for the future. And while “a picture is worth a thousand words”, words are still incredibly and uniquely powerful. There are so many things that I want my children to know, big and little things that I want to tell them. I often want to write a thought or a story for them down, never to actually make the time. Something about putting pen to paper, in our digital age, is a barrier to me. I started out collecting random notes. I’ve tried to maintain journals for them. I haven’t had much success with keeping up with any of these.

But then there’s email. I can do that. I already do. All the time. Maybe too much. I decided to start email accounts for both CM and VC so that I can send them notes. Big ones about the things that are really important to me. And incidental ones about little things, like how they made each other laugh this morning. I can attach pictures (of course!), jot down the recipe to a meal I made for them, document interesting little things in their lives in a matter of minutes. I’ve also shared the address with their grandparents and a few special people in their lives so they can contribute as well. They should have quite an inbox by the time I actually tell them about this!


Dear VC, sometimes I worry and feel guilty that your diet is mostly composed of grapes and raisins. But right now all you need is one of those tiny little boxes, and you’re content! It’s hard to argue with that and I’m happy to provide such a simple pleasure. I love you and your sweet little pursed lips…Mommy

I’m very excited about this idea. It’s not mine originally. I saw it here. But I love it so much that I wanted to share it with you and encourage you to do it as well. I wished I’d done this when I was pregnant! I think that the ability to savor a moment frees us up to enjoy the next one, and that this will help me do just that.

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I have a lot of fun sessions coming up in the next several weeks. I will get back to posting about other people’s children and families very soon!

And now, some business to attend to…


JACKSONVILLE – Just a few slots left for Holiday Mini Sessions! See Investment page for details.

FORT LAUDERDALE – Meet me on the beach! Only mini session slots remaining on Oct 4. Email me NOW to claim one!

ATLANTA – One Day Only – Saturday, October 17 – until 2010! Contact me at

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