In the end, you'll remember only good things

This has been a stressful week. No major crises, just feeling overwhelmed by a bunch of little ones. T ran the girls down the street to the park for a couple of hours this afternoon just so I could get some things done that were way overdue – like making sure our home is insured and our taxes are paid – and so I could have a moment of quiet to collect myself and not be miserable for our usual “Fun Friday” activity with CM (and VC, but she doesn’t care too much about it yet). Tonight it was sushi and a movie.

So when I came across this on the blog of a photographer whose work I admire earlier today, it helped me to keep things in perspective…


In the end, I’m sure I’ll remember how CM has been adventurous about life, including food, from the start. Eel, pickled ginger and fried tofu are among her favorites. I know I won’t forget VC’s open mouth slobbery baby kisses, or her gummy smile that lets me know she knows (and loves) exactly who I am to her. And, according to the guy in the video, I won’t recall at all how our evening ended with me mopping up pee and doing the 28th load of laundry this week after a raging, screaming temper tantrum.

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