

I am no gadget geek. I lived for many years without a television. My phone is as basic as it can get. My car doesn’t even have a cd player. Other than my entire life being organized by Google, I consider myself to be pretty low tech. But when the iPhone came out, I was in tech lust. Every week it seems I hear about some new application that I am positive will enrich my life and make it run more smoothly. I have declared that for the first year or two, instead of drawing a salary from my business, all I want is an iPhone. I don’t have one yet. I’m setting a goal for myself and the coveted gizmo will be my reward.

Here is the latest thing that’s making me salivate – iSketch. I found it on a blog/site that I love called 20×200 where you can purchase great original contemporary art for as little as $20.

What are your favorite apps? Any iPhone haters out there?

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