A reminder to my fellow moms.

Mother’s Day is coming up. This is a note not just to remember your mom, but to remember yourself.

Moms, don’t neglect to be in photos, too. Family photographs, whether professional or not, are so much more than something to share on social media, or to only think of at holiday card time. They are heirlooms, time capsules, the things that will be saved first (or mourned the most) when disaster strikes. You likely have hundreds of photos of your kids. So many that they will skim through the many digital and physical albums you are compiling for them. But I bet that when they are the age you are now, the ones they will stop at – the ones they will study, and treasure, and want to preserve for their kids – will be the ones with YOU in them. Don’t wait to lose ten pounds, or dye the gray out, or even put on makeup (granted, when you do those things, then you really have no excuse). Get in front of the camera. Today. Show your kids AND YOURSELF that you are a pivotal character in the story of your family.






I’m as guilty as the next mother of avoiding the camera, forgetting to hand it to my husband, not making the time to schedule a professional photography  session, or hiding myself behind my much-cuter-than-me kids. Last year I shared this post on my facebook page which is basically the same lecture I’m giving you now, but more poetic. The line, “My mother’s body is the vessel that carries all the memories of my childhood” is what really struck me. Looking for photos to include here, I realize I didn’t listen. It’s sad how few images I had to choose from. I’m working on it. Recently, I’ve been using my Instagram account more, where I posted this dare to myself to make more images of myself.


Mamas, I hope you’ll join me. Take more photos with your family, but also take or allow others to take photos of you – alone, with your partner, with friends, at work, at play – as yourself in roles other than Mom. And, to my clients, don’t be surprised if I ask to take at least one shot of you. Just you. Because eventually that may end up being the most precious image of the entire session to the grown up versions of your currently bouncing baby or adorable kids.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the women on this grueling, amazing ride with me, and to all of you who’ve come before.

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